
Blaming Your Circumstances is Just an Excuse!

All too often when we are not getting what we want,we tend to blame our circumstances for keeping us stuck.  We say…

  • I’d love to do that… but I don’t have the money
  • I really want to… but I just don’t have the time
  • It would have been amazing to… but I don’t have the right support
  • I would…but the economy, the family, my work environment, my kids…etc. etc are blocking me!

Of course the circumstances of our lives do impact us significantly. We are not just making things up! Sometimes we are indeed in the midst of intense stressful experiences that leave us feeling powerless and helpless and unable to do much. However, many times we tend to put all the power in our circumstances, and then live at the mercy of them! It’s really like giving the remote control of our life to something outside of us, as we WAIT for someone to push a button or do something to make it all better, while we we suffer, struggle, or stay in pain!

I have been guilty of this victim mentality too. Last year I hired a coach to support me on writing my book. At the same time I bumped into someone I knew could help me in another area. But that required another significant monetary investment to work with her. Even though my heart and soul just wanted to say YES! to working with her, my mind said…NO WAY! So I sat down and made a list of all the reasons I should say NO to this new coach…and trust me, the list was LONG and all based on my “circumstances”. There was only ONE good reason to hire this coach…my heart just knew this was what I needed to do! And so then next morning when I spoke to her, I said YES and hired her.


Because after 8 years of working on myself and with tons of others clients, here is what I know for sure…

We create our lives with our thoughts. So our lives and our circumstances are more a reflection of what’s going on within us. And when we shift our thoughts, feelings and stay 100% committed to what we truly desire and say YES, the universe responds to our thoughts and new paths, new doors, new opportunities, new solutions open up that were not available to us before. Our circumstances will always keep changing. But we must stay committed to what we truly desire, no matter the circumstances!

It’s always easier to find an outside cause and let ourselves off the hook and escape taking a 100% responsibility. But that just keeps us stuck and doesn’t help us reach our goals!

Here are simple tips to taking back your power to creating the change you desire!

  • Is there an area of your life you want to bring change in?
  • What story have you been telling yourself about why you still haven’t made the required change?
  • Ask yourself if this story empowers you or disempowers you from getting what you desire?
  • What’s is it costing you to play a ‘victim’ of your circumstances and giving your power away?
  • Remind yourself your circumstances are simply a mirror of what’s going on within
  • Decide on a new way of thinking that empowers you to deal with this
  • Begin to take action, even if its a tiny step forward, in this direction

Remember you are bigger than your circumstances.  There are examples of all kinds of people all around the globe who have beaten all odds to achieve their dreams.  Everything you do is based on the choices you make.  If it is important enough, you will choose to rise above your circumstances and find a way. If it’s not, you will find an excuse. It’s always a choice you make!