Frequently Asked Questions About EFT Tapping

Question: Do I need to tap on the exact points? Answer: No. You can tap near the points and you will still get results.  Basically instead of needles oh, you are using your fingertips to tab on the acupuncture points. Your fingertips touch a bigger area than the...

Word Theme for 2019!

So I’m not into making long list of resolutions for the New Year. I did away with that many years ago. Instead I focus on a WORD THEME for the year. A WORD that works as a GUIDE and FOCUS point for all the different areas of my life.  By not having very specific...

The Key Ingredient To Achieving Your Dreams!

You have a dream. Or Dreams. And Goals. You feel like you are trying lots of strategies, tools to achieve it. YET…the goal or the dream seems distant and you wonder what’s wrong? You question your self worth, and doubt if it’s ever going to happen! I get it. I totally...