by Shalini Yamdagni | Jun 9, 2016 | Pain-Free
Magical Pain Free Living With Shalini Radio Show Learn 4 ways to get to the core of Physical Pain so you can experience significant relief! OR, to listen to the audio only version, use the player below:
by Shalini Yamdagni | Jun 2, 2016 | Pain-Free
Magical Pain Free Living With Shalini Radio Show How to manage your physical, emotional and mental pain instantly! Listen to the audio only version, use the player below:
by Shalini Yamdagni | May 27, 2016 | Pain-Free
Magical Pain Free Living With Shalini Radio Show Learn tips tools strategies to help you break free from your pain and live the life you truly want. OR, to listen to the audio only version, use the player below:
by Shalini Yamdagni | May 16, 2016 | Pain-Free
I am trying everything, so why am I still stuck? This was the question I was asking myself over and over as I lay on my bed stuck on bed rest due to chronic pain. That was a decade ago. I had been diagnosed with an illness, Costchondritis. The pain, which was only a...
by Shalini Yamdagni | Apr 18, 2016 | Pain-Free
If you are reading this, chances are that you are, or someone you care about is: stuck in chronic pain trying different medications, treatments to get relief but not seeing significant shifts in your pain levels feeling frustrated, hopeless, helpless because the pain...