Healing the Pain Layers and Healing the Spirit

Are you in chronic pain? Is insomnia fueling your anxiety? Do you feel frustrated because nothing you try seems to be bringing any significant relief? Over the last 10 years on my healing journey, healing myself from my chronic disease and pain, and then successfully...

Is Negative Internal Chatter Holding You Back?

Do you have a little voice in your head that seems to be saying all sorts of negative things daily? Are you feeling discouraged and anxious all the time? Do you feel stuck moving forward toward your dreams? Well, you are not alone.  I believe each and every one of us...

4 Easy Ways to Achieve Anything You Want!

Are you going in circles trying to achieve your goals? Do you feel stuck, frustrated and lack clarity on what to do next? That’s ok. You are not alone. Whether you are trying to achieve your health goals, relationship goals or work and money goals, there is another...

Are You Struggling or Thriving?

Do you feel like your life has become one big struggle? Do these statements resonate with you? I'm definitely not living the life I want to I constantly feel tired and exhausted physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually I'm sick of old patterns popping up over...

Does life feel busy yet empty & meaningless?

In this age of modern technology and a mindset of instant result and instant gratification, it seems most natural and our lives are fast paced and “very busy” too! There is just so much that demands our attention, so much we need to tend to each and every day! So let...

Is Lack of Clarity Keeping You Stuck?

You are at Point A and you want to go to Point B, whatever that is for you. Whether it is in the area of health, career, relationships, self development, etc. Do you find yourself in this cycle? Do you go back and forth with your decisions because you don’t know what...

The Missing Piece to Healing Your Pain!

So why isn't the pain healing? What's the missing piece? You are possibly reading this because you or someone you love may be experiencing pain. Maybe you want to find a way to help them. It is possible that they are already trying several different things to help...