APRIL, 2014 | VOLUME 2, ISSUE 4 | ||||||||||||||||||
Spring is here! A wonderful opportunity to let go of all the clutter in your life! Just as we accumulate physical clutter in our homes, offices, closets, we accumulate EMOTIONAL clutter as well. While most people do take time to clear out the physical clutter in their space once in a while (because it is so visible), most are clueless or don't really think they are supposed to do anything about EMOTIONAL CLUTTER. The few that are aware, don't really know how to clear it, or think they have let it go because they never think about it now. Truth is we begin to collect emotional baggage (subconsciously by default) from a really early age (0-7 years are key). We pick up patterns of thinking, feeling, believing from all our experiences with the significant people in our lives, the media, our culture, education system etc. Our past hurts, feelings of guilt, shame, anger, resentment, fears etc. get stored in our cells and become part of our cellular memory. So if you do not take time to consciously "let go" of the emotional baggage, it begins to interfere in your daily life, holding you back, clouding your mind, slowing you down and keep you from moving freely towards your dreams and creating to pain and dis-ease. Signs of EXCESS Emotional Baggage :
Some tips to let go of the emotional debris in your life:
We all have emotional baggage, it's a part of living all the ups and downs of life's journey. The problem is that we add layers and layers of the emotional debris everyday and never really take time to clear and cleanse and let go. In my 90 Days to Personal Peace Program, we go deep within to step by step clear out the different layers of Emotional Debris so you can move forward freely, happily, peacefully, confidently and speedily towards your dreams and goals. So my question to you is: what are you going to do today to let go? Will you (like most folks) turn a blind eye to that emotional clutter? Or will you begin a whole new journey today? How bright will you allow your light to shine? It's really all up to you! And, if you are someone who is overwhelmed at the thought of clearing out the emotional backpack and need support and expert help, feel free to sign up here – www.eftthailand.com/survey, and qualify for a Complimentary Assessment Session with me. Would you like to connect with Shalini or explore working with her? Click here to complete the survey and start the process today!
"I am really happy I found Shalini and grateful to have had the opportunity to be guided by her with the Personal Peace Program. It has helped me immensely in clearly identifying and releasing long-held negative beliefs and blockages that have kept ‘me' from ‘me'. More importantly, her insightful and empathetic guidance has helped in arming myself with the right tools to a better, more empowered and connected place, a place which I am in now. Ram KrishnaRaja, Thailand
Shalini is an Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is a certified Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner. She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Master's in Social Work from Delhi University, India. She also holds a Certificate of Participation in Radical Healing, Emotional Empowerment Therapy and is a certified Reiki Level 1 practitioner. Shalini began using EFT to relieve herself from her physical pain. As she used the EFT Technique, she instantly discovered reductions in her pain levels. Following EFT's Personal Peace Procedure, she worked on "letting go" of all the old hurts, angers and pain. Practicing EFT for about an hour or two everyday for almost a month, she not only freed herself completely from every single pain in her body, but discovered a deep passion to empower others to help themselves using EFT. Shalini is now focused on working long term with a small group of clients who are tired of feeling "stuck" in their situation and are "ready" and "committed" to bringing in BIG SHIFTS that they seek in their lives. |