Are your growing or going in circles?
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Are You Growing or Going in Circles? |
Is this you?
Have you been aching to move past a certain block in your life? Are you looking for a breakthrough and it feels like it's never coming? Do you feel like you want to grow and move to that next level but something is just holding you back and you aren't quite sure what it might be?
Sometimes we find that despite our clear intentions to move forward, we are really only circling round and round. We feel overwhelmed, frustrated and there is an aching in our heart that only we know. On the outside it all looks "fine", but when we are honest with ourselves, something clearly feels "off!" It seems that no matter what we try, we are still in the same place, we haven't moved.
So why are you not growing past those hurdles and just going in circles?
In my work with clients and years of working with myself, I have found several different reasons why we get stuck. I will share 2 key reasons here:
1. The Blind Spot Factor
Sometimes, we feel like we have done everything yet we are stuck! We feel dejected and accept that we have to just accept this and live with it!
But what we don't realize is that we have only done everything WE KNOW about our issue. We fail to realize that may be we have a blind spot!
We fail to realize that there may be people out there who know other things about our issue that we don't know. And that what they know can help us move past our challenges.
So when you are feeling stuck having tried different things, ask yourself…Do I have a blind spot about this issue? What if there is someone out there that can help me identify and clear my blind spot?
It is important to recognize that sometimes what is needed to move forward is to get help, so moving out of that state of discomfort becomes possible. It takes courage, a sense of willingness and open mindedness to accept and admit that we all have some blind spots and that its ok to get help! That sometimes the ‘go-it-alone" strategy isn't enough!
2. The Readiness Factor
There other big reason people keep going in circles with an issue is that despite the fact that on a conscious level they really want it, somewhere deep within, they really aren't ready to get it! Yes! I know it might sound a bit strange and crazy! But that is what happens sometimes when you find you are trying hard to get there and not reaching there!
You may wonder why would someone be afraid to get what they have been desperately trying to get? Because when you get what you want, along with it come other changes which might feel overwhelming & scary!
It could be that we are not ready for what we want because it requires being a lot more responsible, moving out of your comfort zones, doing things that you have never done before. Deep down you may not be ready because there is a fear of failure, fear of being judged. Fear of all the changes that are likely to follow when you get what you want!
So if you say you really want something and you notice that you are just not getting it despite all your effort... Go ahead and ask yourself..." Am I really ready for this?" What am I afraid of? What will be the downside of getting what I want? What will I have to step up and step into? What might I have to give up to get there? Do I doubt I can get there? Am I not believing it's possible for me? Or may be it requires making some kind of investment of time, energy and money that you are not prepared to do. Ask yourself honestly...on a scale of 0-10, how ready am I for this?
We need to be aware of these inner hurdles before we can move forward freely and fully! It's only when we are truly in alignment with our desires, that the path to our dreams opens up and we find ourselves moving forward effectively and passionately toward our dreams.
Truly the question is never really about whether the change you seek in your life is possible or not. The more relevant question is are you ready? Ready to recognize that maybe you have a blind spot; ready to seek help to move past those blind spots; ready to go deeper and release those inner blocks that are keeping you circling forever!
So now that you have a better understanding of the potential blocks in your way, what will you do to move forward with your dreams? Remember, there is always a way out. Will you move past your inner hurdles and do whatever it takes to get to your dreams? It's totally up to you!
And if you feel like you are ready and need support and guidance with someone who has been there where you are and come out on the other side, I am very happy to support you on that journey! Fill in the online survey at to qualify for a 45-minute Assessment Session with me!
Would you like to connect with Shalini or explore working with her? Click here to complete the survey and start the process today!