Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini


April is here!

In Thailand, we just finished celebrating the Thai New Year called Songkran. This festival is always celebrated mid April and is popularly known as the water festival. Water is used symbolically and spiritually bathe Buddha statues, cleanse ourselves of the old that no longer serves us, take time to be with family and also visit temples to ask for forgiveness and blessings. The water festival today has also taken a fun turn by people splashing each other with buckets or water guns in the streets.

Songkran Songkran

No matter how people celebrate it, I love the idea of clearing and cleansing. In fact I am a bit of a cleaning freak.  Why? Well, before I used to cleanse and clear my emotional baggage to break free from Chronic Pain that had confined me to bed-rest. I’m not in pain any more. Now I am constantly cleansing for constant contact with The Divine. :-)

This month's featured article is all about CLEANSING. Plus, I have a special video here for Tapping (or Cleansing) Your Troubles Away Too!


To your continued happiness and health!


Featured Article

Songkran Splash & Cleanse Season!

 Songkran Splash & 
Cleanse Season

April is generally seen as a time for new and a time for spring cleaning!

In Thailand, every year the Thai New year is celebrated Mid-April. It’s called Songkran. It’s a time for being with family, a time for temple visits, a time to spiritually bathe and cleanse Buddha statues in homes, temples, and pour holy water on each other. Songkran is also known as the Water-festival as water is symbolically used to clear and cleanse and wash away all the old that no longer serves us, and welcome the new!

I associate WATER with so many wonderful feelings- feeling calm, peaceful, soothed, refreshed, blessed, cleansed etc. And the interesting thing is that up to 70% of our body is water too!

Late Dr. Masuro Emoto, author of the book Messages From Water, talks about how our thoughts, feelings, words we say to ourselves have a profound impact- positive or negative, on water crystals.  And since we are 75% water, if we think positive thoughts, it has a positive impact on our overall health and wellbeing. And conversely, our negative thoughts and feelings have a negative impact. (Read Messages From Water by Masuro Emoto for the details and you will be shockingly amazed.)

So what does this mean for you and me?

Well, as you and I are moving forward towards our dreams and goals, we need to ensure that we are being loving, positive, compassionate, supportive of ourselves and others. Our internal dialogue, our words, our feelings are either supporting and allowing us to move toward our goals, or blocking us and keeping us stuck.

I can think of so many ways to Emotionally, Mentally CLEANSE and LET GO. Here a few: 

  1. As you shower daily, intend that all your worries and troubles are being washed away
  2. Write all your worries and frustrations out on a paper, you can either burn it away or tear it as you visualize it all leaving you
  3. My absolute favourite technique EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques Or EFT Tapping. Easy to do anytime, anywhere, and feel instant release.

If you want to give it a go and feel relief RIGHT NOW…try this.

So take a moment right now….

  1. Think of the different areas of your life- be it your home, your office, your health, job, relationships, money, children, spouse, dreams etc
  2. As you think of each one, notice what feeling(s) surface?
    For example, as you think of your home, do you feel peace and ease or do you feel frustrated, annoyed?  If you think of Money, does it make you feel anxious? Worried? Or happy, satisfied? Or overwhelmed?
  3. Rate on a scale of 0-10, in each area of your life that is important to you, what your number is about that issue.  10= very positive       0= very negative
  4. As you stay tune in to ONE SPECIFIC AREA and Tap along with me here:
    (Skip to the 15 minutes mark to join in the Tapping process)

If you give it a go, do leave comments or feedback if anything shifted for you. I’d love to know.

Also, please remember, just one time of cleaning doesn’t ensure long term peace.

Whether you are physically cleaning your body, your home or your mind.

Consistent cleaning is key to get awesome results. So come back and re-use the video often, everyday is ideal. :-)

Physically showering everyday is like a daily refresh, reboot.

Emotionally and Mentally Cleansing our hearts and minds need to be part of our daily hygiene too so that we have emotional balance, mental clarity, focus and direction and then we can live more fully and achieve our desires with ease.


"Shalini is amazing. I was in a lot of pain with my hips, as I descended into that slippery slope of thinking pain was my natural aging process, I began to think I would have to have surgery like many others I knew.

I can see how people will trend towards a certain medical procedure. I began meeting lots of people who had hip surgery or planning for hip surgery. I was so worried this would be my future, too.

Shalini offered her program, I have always respected her work. I decided that there was nothing to risk or lose. From the first session, my hips improved dramatically. Not all immediately, but such a significant amount that I was left with the understanding that my pain could be managed, shifted or lessened. As we moved along the sessions, the pain in my hips was gone!Definitely not having any surgery. That alone is amazing.

I have become more aware of my body and its amazing capacity for healing. I am learning to take better care of my body with EFT...which is priceless. Thank you, Shalini!"

Tonya R. Anderson
An Exquisite Life

About Shalini

Shalini is an internationally renowned Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is also an international best selling author of the book Pebbles In The Pond Wave Three, co-authored with Lisa Nichols and others.

After doctors prescribed bed rest indefinitely due to an illness and chronic pain, she went on a profound journey - discovered tools that she used by herself and healed herself completely. Since then, she has helped hundreds of pain sufferers, sometimes including doctors, go from feeling stuck to relieved, and from frustration and anger to peace and clarity. Her work has been featured on national and international magazines, newspapers, and even on television.

Shalini is currently focused on working long term with a small group who are feeling sick of being stuck, who are ready and committed to doing what it takes to bring the big shifts they want.
You can visit her website,, email, or complete an online survey at for a 45-minute free assessment session.


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