Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini


I just returned from an unplanned visit to New Delhi, India.

My father, 85, had suffered from a stroke (brain) recently. Because of his age factor and that he had had several big illnesses over the last 2 decades, my family and I were quite anxious about what would happen next. However, despite his health history, and his age, he has been making wonderful recovery. To me his healing recovery feels miraculous and I feel so much gratitude.

On the flight back this morning from Delhi to Bangkok, Thailand, I was reflecting on how we get so caught up in our ups and downs and details, especially focusing on those that aren’t going too well. I speak with so many friends, family, contacts, clients and there is no one who is having a smooth ride in all areas of their life. And how most of us tend to focus on the problem areas way more than the areas of are lives where things are OK, or going well.

As I was reflecting I thought if I had ONLY ONE POWERFUL MANTRA to live by, to chant or affirm to myself, it would simply be Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It’s truly amazing how we take for granted so many blessings we already have in our lives.

I want to take this chance to gently remind you too that no matter the ups, and downs and lows and highs in your life, do take time to focus areas of you life that ARE working too. Remember what we focus on expands and grows in our life!

So what are you grateful for today?

Love and blessings,


Featured Article

Understand the ROOT CAUSE of Your Anxiety

 Understand The Root
Cause Of Your Anxiety!

Anxiety is something we all experience at different intensities through life. Sometimes we go through a short periods of anxiety but soon move past them. However, when anxiety becomes a daily experience it can seriously disrupt the quality of your life and hold you back from your dreams and desires.

Are you feeling: 

  • Exhausted and drained because of overthinking and non-stop worrying?
  • Frustrated because of lack of sleep is playing a havoc in your daily life?
  • Feeling weighed down by the headaches, stomachaches and pains?
  • Desperate to feel peace and ease within but not having a clue what to do?

May be, like many other people, you have tried to help yourself taking pills, tranquilizers etc. prescribed by doctors. These pills and medications can be helpful in bringing quick relief, which maybe absolutely crucial sometimes. However, this relief is only temporary. The anxiety symptoms re-surface very quickly in new and stronger ways than before and you feel stuck again in this cycle of pain. Why? Because the underlying ROOT ISSUES have not been dealt with. The UNDERLYING ROOT CAUSE of Chronic Anxiety is always FEAR. Usually it is not REAL FEAR. It is an IMAGINED FEAR!  Fear of the future, of things that could go wrong. Fear of what might happen, might not happen. FEAR of the UNKNOWN. FEAR is always a product of our imagination. It is a negative imagined thought about something that hasn't happened yet, and may never happen ever! However, because we begin to BELIEVE the negative thoughts, we stay in this constant state of anxiety. In my experience, more often than not, these feelings of anxiety begin in childhood. They are not really recognized then as they may not too pronounced. However, left untreated, these issues begin to magnify as one gets older. Soon this built up anxiety over the years begins to pop up at every turn. A lot of energy has to be put in to control it and this itself can be emotionally frustrating and draining.

Here are 6 ways to Address the Fearful Thoughts that are causing Anxiety

  1. Take an inventory of your Anxious Thoughts- When negative thoughts keep floating around in circles in your mind, you get anxious. Instead of freaking out. BREATHE and EXHALE! Now Get a paper and pencil and make a list of all the thoughts/feelings that are surfacingThe idea is to get those fearful thoughts out of your head and on to a paper where you can see them.
  2. Question Your Anxious ThoughtsYour mind may be full of doom and disaster scenarios about different issues in your life. Start to question every fearful thought that is there! Ask yourself…

    Is this an absolute fact?
    Is this a belief?
    Where is the proof that this is going to happen?
    Is happening right now? this doom scenario … or is it simply a thought in my head?
    Can I be 100% sure this is the exact way it will turn out?

  1. Explore the Worst Case Scenario - they say the only thing that becomes smaller when you go closer and closer to it is FEAR!  So dare to ask yourself:
  • "What is the absolute worst case scenario".
  • Sit with this scenario quietly.
  • Allow the FEELINGS to come. (Note: Feeling Your Feelings will not kill you)
  • Swim Closer to these feelings.  Observe them closely. If the intensity is strong, remind yourself, this is all in your head, its not really happening.

Now that the mind is more calm and relaxed, solutions, ideas, inspiration may trickle in as to how you can handle the worst-case scenario situation, and it may not feel intense any longer.

  1. Use WHAT IF statements to shift the energy

What if it’s not the end of the world
What if it’s not going to turn out the way I’m fearing it will
What if I can be calm
What if I can be open to positive outcomes
What if my mind is making it a bigger deal than it is


After a while the intensity of these feelings will begin to subside.

Now that the mind is more calm and relaxed, solutions, ideas, inspiration may trickle in as to how you can handle the worst-case scenario situation, and it may not feel intense any longer.

  1. Get Physical!to shift that nervous energy in your mind, heart and body, engage in activities that make you happy- dance? Exercise? Walk? Stretch, yoga? Tennis? Etc.Physically shifting your body can shift that heavy fearful energy!
  2. Get Expert Helpthere are times when you have done all you can and still feel stuck. If you feel overwhelmed and unable to handle this anxiety on your own, don't suffer silently alone. Get professional help to move out of this anxious state.

My favorite tool to step out of anxiety is EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques. To get a taste of using EFT for anxiety click here to view it on YouTube:

Anxiety can feel overwhelming. It can weigh you down and disable you from doing the things you want. But by taking small steps –like the above mentioned ones and addressing the ROOT issues – you can minimize your anxiety and cope more effectively. “P.S. You’re not going to die. Here’s the white-hot truth: if you go bankrupt, you’ll still be okay. If you lose the gig, the lover, the house, you’ll still be okay. If you sing off-key, get beat by the competition, have your heart shattered, get fired…it’s not going to kill you. Ask anyone who’s been through it.” ~Danielle


"I suffered from anxiety disorder for the past 15 years

...something that affected my business traveling and sometimes jeopardized my career. I tried Shalini's EFT with a lot of skepticism at first....but it worked.... I was surprised at how amazingly calm I became when I travelled underground on the MRT or took the lift to the 30th floor, when in the past, these issues where giving me a whole lot of stress, fear, and stomach tensions and anxiety. It is amazingly simple and easy...and it works ...Thanks Shalini!"

Nadim Xavier Salhani
Group Managing Director,
Dunkin Donut and
Au Bon Pain Cafe (Thailand)

About Shalini

Shalini is an internationally renowned Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is also an international best selling author of the book Pebbles In The Pond Wave Three, co-authored with Lisa Nichols and others.

After doctors prescribed bed rest indefinitely due to an illness and chronic pain, she went on a profound journey - discovered tools that she used by herself and healed herself completely. Since then, she has helped hundreds of pain sufferers, sometimes including doctors, go from feeling stuck to relieved, and from frustration and anger to peace and clarity. Her work has been featured on national and international magazines, newspapers, and even on television.

Shalini is currently focused on working long term with a small group who are feeling sick of being stuck, who are ready and committed to doing what it takes to bring the big shifts they want.
You can visit her website,, email, or complete an online survey at for a 45-minute free assessment session.


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