Are there parts of you that you

  • suppress?
  • reject?
  • ignore?
  • shame?

You are not alone.

As we journey through the different physical, emotional, mental, spiritual terrains of life, we have experiences that make us feel good, bad, good, proud, happy, guilty, angry and then there are those deep dark feelings that we shove deep in our subconscious that we do not dare to admit even to ourselves!

While these are natural to all human experience, the problems arise if you don’t address, acknowledge and work on healing those feelings.

It’s like we are walking around with internal cuts, wounds and parts that are bleeding and refusing to acknowledge that they exist and just keep moving forward. Of course we can’t really go too far like that. Sooner than later the stench and pain of those wounds will catch up and significantly impact different areas of our lives.

To HEAL is to become WHOLE, COMPLETE.
You simply cannot heal by rejecting, shaming, ignoring, avoiding parts of yourself. We need to find a way to integrate and heal all parts of ourselves.

So how can we begin to heal?

Here are 4 simple steps:

1. Acknowledge it.

This maybe the first step to healing but the hardest to do!


Because it is painful.

It’s painful to acknowledge what we have done, or what has been done to us, or what happened in the past. It brings up old feelings that we do not want to visit or relive.
But the fact is, just because we don’t want to acknowledge it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Unfortunately, whatever we ‘hold on to’ knowingly or unknowingly persists in our life.

And so to begin to heal it we need to first acknowledge it exists.

2. Presence the Feeling

Once you acknowledge the existence of this experience, the feelings that you have been suppressing, hiding, ignoring will surface.

These hurt needs to be heard and expressed not suppressed. So allow those feelings to rise and surface.

Like watching actors on a stage, allow the feelings to have a voice finally and be heard.

3. Give Compassionate Attention

Just as you would give loving compassionate attention to a child that was hurting, be compassionate while listening to the buried hurt.

Emotions are not right or wrong. They are just the way we feel. Blocking, ignoring, suppressing them create blocked energy.

Allow the feelings to be expressed freely.

Don’t judge. Don’t criticize. Don’t give suggestions. Don’t ask questions… let the feelings flow and pay compassionate attention.

4. Choose to Integrate all parts of you

Make a conscious decision that you are going to embrace ALL parts of you. No one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes. Small or big or gigantic ones. They are not the ESSENCE of who you are. Don’t let those ‘mistakes’ hijack your peace, joy and wellbeing.

In her book Gifts Of Imprfection, Brene Brown says: “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, and when we honor the spiritual connection that grows from that offering with trust, respect, kindness and affection. Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.”

Which parts are you willing to own, love, and accept today?

Do leave your comments if this resonates with you!