Do you feel discouraged about your dreams and goals?
- Are you feeling like something is holding you back but you can’t seem to pinpoint what it is?
I was going for my evening walk the other day when an
advertisement on the street caught my attention.
At a closer look I saw this was a HONDA ad. The picture in it is of a man on a Honda bike. It’s raining hard. The man’s got his raining suit on. He is riding away despite the storm with focus and determination to his destination.
I found this ad powerful.
It made me reflect on different areas of my life. My current dreams. The potential obstacles I saw. Later as I reflected and cleared out the doubts and worries, I felt free to move forward. This ad helped me get great insights and so I want to ask you too-
I know you have a desire. We all have our unique dreams. Whether it’s that new job, a more peaceful relationship, freedom from pain, higher income, fitness goals, travel adventure, becoming an author, rising up the corporate ladder, being a better parent etc..
So What’s Stopping You?
If I were to ask you to tell me that you think is stopping you- What story would you tell me? What reasons would you give? What obstacles out there would you point to?
What if I told you that the only thing keeping you from your dreams and desires is Your Limiting Beliefs?
If you have an intention, a desire and you are consciously taking action toward that goal, but your efforts are falling short of achieving that desire, UNCONSCIOUS LIMITING BELIEFS are most likely at work!
Most of the time people are not aware of these Limiting Beliefs because these beliefs have become their “truths”. Here are some examples of Limiting Belief that sound like “the truth”
“I’m just not lucky”,
“No matter how hard I try, things don’t work out for me”,
“It’s really hard being a successful musician”,
“I’m really bad at handling money” etc.
“I just don’t have the right connections to make this happen”
“I never have the money to travel to my dream destinations”
Sadly, so many people give up on their dreams without realizing that the only thing that’s stopping them is their limiting belief(s)!
A belief is simply a thought you have thought over and over.
What we think, we create.
Mostly people don’t realize they are creating their reality, but they truly are not consciously but by default!
Well when we have dreams and desires and our thinking about those dreams is negative, worrisome, filled with fear, doubts, etc,, these negative thoughts block us from achieving what we want.
We find ourselves stuck and not moving forward.
Now we may begin to further think ” I try so hard but things don’t work out for me. I’m unlucky”. And so as we try to move forward, we keep repeating that same pattern and experiences.
Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book ” You’ll See It, When You Believe It”!
The formula is the other way around. And that’s what most people don’t understand.
If you don’t believe it, you wont see it, achieve it!
Here are 3 Quick Tips to Breakdown Limiting Belief Barriers:
- Ask Yourself : Does this thinking, this belief LIMIT ME or SUPPORT ME?
Question yourself: If it limits me, why am I holding on to it?
It’s like if you touched a pan and it was hot and you felt pain, would you keep touching it? No! right? So maybe it’s time to take your hand away from that hot painful belief and break free from it.
- Don’t Buy It!
When you think of a desire and a limiting belief surfaces like…. “I’m not lucky”, or “I don’t deserve this’ or ‘I don’t have what it takes’ …
Step back and become a witness of this floating thought in front of you. And Say “Hmmmmm…interesting…I’m thinking this thought right now…” Just like a floating cloud in the mind’s sky. Let it float by. DON’T BUY IT!
You don’t buy every dress that you happen to look at in a store! You don’t have to buy any limiting belief that comes into your mind.
- Substitute ‘AND’ for ‘BUT’
IF you have a desire and you think:
” I want to travel to this dream destination BUT I don’t have the money”
Substitute the ‘BUT’ with ‘AND’ and REFRAME the sentence.
“I want to travel to my dream destination AND I want to find a way to arrange the money”
With this reframe, the MONEY is no longer a block. It’s part of the goal. It’s part of the dream allows you to keep moving forward toward your dream.
For more on Breaking Belief Barriers watch this video.
So just like that guy on the Honda Ad, don’t let the rain and thunderstorms stop you! Keep moving forward and breakdown any Belief Barriers that stand in the way.
Remind yourself that you are a spark of The Divine. You are a co-creator! With God, all things are possible!
Image Copyright: stanciuc / 123RF Stock Photo