Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini

@Marine Drive, Mumbai,
on New Year's eve!



It's 2015 and I am feeling all eager and excited for what's in store!

My family and I celebrated our New Year's eve in Mumbai this year. We had a ton of fun street shopping, admiring the gothic styled architecture, sipping tea at the Sea Face Lounge at Taj Hotel, dining at the popular Leopold Café, and just driving around sightseeing! On New Year's eve we hung out at the famous Marine Drive joined by the bubbling energy of throngs of people all eager and excited to welcome 2015!  At the stroke of 12 we marveled at the fireworks all across the city from the 19th floor apartment of our friend and huddled together for a group hug to greet the New Year!

Back in Bangkok now, I feel relaxed and ready and very grateful for the blessing of another beautiful year! 

I hope you too are feeling geared up for all that you want to create this year! I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you. Let the magic begin!


Featured Article

Is being Pain Free part of your 2015 goals?

Happy Pain Free
Be Pain Free This Year!
Dear [fname],

A Brand New Year! And it's that time when many of us sit and reflect and write down our new goals, desires and things we want to see happen for us in the year ahead.

I want to ask you, what are your wishes for 2015? And is becoming pain free part of your 2015 goal?
I truly believe we get to create the kind of year we want to experience with our thoughts and intentions. So if we make those New Year resolutions and have great intentions, why is it that so many of us still struggle to reach our dreams? What's not working?  

I believe that just like the wheels of the train need to work in sync with each other to move forward, each area of our life needs to be in balance to make significant progress towards our dreams.

So for example, if pain (emotional or physical) is still a big part of your life, and you have just learned to ignore it and accept it, it is going to influence every other area of your, productivity, relationships etc. After all, how successful or effective can you be if a big chunk of your energy goes in 'managing' your pain?

Imagine if you were pain free? What more could you achieve? what new possibilities could you access? How would that change your relationships? your day to day mood? your effectiveness to achieving your new goals and dreams?

I know that being pain free changes everything because I have been there. My life came to a FULL STOP because of pain 8 years ago. And becoming pain free, I now get to live my dream life!

Like I said, we get to create the kind of year with our thoughts and intentions. You have a CHOICE. To live with the pain, or not.

So be honest and ask yourself:

  1. What's the pain that I'm holding on to?
  2. Is it worth it to live with this pain another year?
  3. Can I be successful holding on to this pain?
  4. How is holding on to this pain costing me?
  5. What am I willing to do to make a change?

And it's never too late to make that change. The right time is always NOW. And what a wonderful gift you give yourself by taking care of YOU at the start of a New Year!
Because when you take care of you, you allow yourself to be the best you can be. 

Why lose another day, month, year before taking action on what's not working?
Carpe Diem! Your time starts Now!

Image Copyright: tomwang / 123RF Stock Photo

"Working with Shalini has been a revelation right from the start. The great feeling of letting go  and pulling up your energy. After working long term with Shalini, my life totally changed, a complete shift on all different aspects

Beside all the amazing shifts I encountered,   Shalini took me on an amazing journey that isn't easy to describe with words, sometimes her little touch during our calls made the rest of my day a jewel to enjoy. Shalini opened my eyes to "the Divine" surrounding us, you could also call it Magic!

I wish to all who haven't had the chance to work with Shalini the chance to feel her love, passion and devotion, it is a pure bliss.  If I had to compare Shalini to someone she would be "My Angel". Her guidance is divine and the "Shalini effect" stays with you forever (its like a little voice guiding you daily)."

Ali Ziani,Managing Director at MASS Digital, Bangkok, Thailand

About Shalini

Shalini is an internationally renowned Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is also an international best selling author of the book Pebbles In The Pond Wave Three, co-authored with Lisa Nichols and others.

After doctors prescribed bed rest indefinitely due to an illness and chronic pain, she went on a profound journey – discovered tools that she used by herself and healed herself completely. Since then, she has helped hundreds of pain sufferers, sometimes including doctors, go from feeling stuck to relieved, and from frustration and anger to peace and clarity. Her work has been featured on national and international magazines, newspapers, and even on television.

Shalini is currently focused on working long term with a small group who are feeling sick of being stuck, who are ready and committed to doing what it takes to bring the big shifts they want.
You can visit her website,, email, or complete an online survey at for a 45-minute free assessment session.


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