Shalini J. Yamdagni

A Note from Shalini


Magical September is here!

Well, it is a magical month for me as it's my birthday month J and almost a decade ago, on September 9th, 2007,I discovered my magic healing tool EFT that changed the course of my life forever!

Interestingly on September 1st, 2016 my kids & I sat around our table setting new intentions, cutting images, key words etc. from many different magazines that resonated with us.  We did this as we listened to songs (taking turns to put our favorite song) on this wonderful New Moon day.
My daughter loves musicals & so she put her favourite song from the musical MAMA MIA, "the winner takes it all", and then came back to the table to join us.  As she pulled up a random magazine on the table to begin looking and cutting images from, to her complete shock and delight, she sees on the page the words " the winner takes it all"!!!!  

It was amazing that of all the magazines on the table and all the pages she could have opened, that was the page that she picked first! Magic is truly in the air.

Despite all the magic, this month is not without its challenges! I don't know about you but a lot of people I know around the globe, including myself, are feeling the weight of this!  The energetic mix of the solar eclipse (September 1), the upcoming lunar eclipse (September 16) and the numerologically powerful 9,9,9 energies (September 9, 2016) seem to be creating quite a shake up!  It seems this is the universe's way of helping us (feels more like FORCING us ) to clear out the old so we can welcome the new!

(This 9,9,9 energy happens once in every 9 years. The last time was 9, September 2007 and the next time it will be 9, September 2025!)

So I hope you do take time out this month to let go of all that is not serving you, so you can welcome all the good queued up for you into your life!

All good wishes!


Featured Article

The Key Reasons Why Your Pain Won't Heal

The Key Reasons Why
Your Pain Won't Heal

You are possibly reading this because you or someone you love may be experiencing pain. Maybe you want to find a way to help them. It is possible that they are already trying several different things to help ease the pain but nothing is really shifting.

So why isn't the pain healing?
After a decade now being pain free from my own chronic pain which   had me confined to bed-rest forever, and also after working with thousands of others suffering from pain, here is what I know for sure - UNPROCESSED EMOTIONS (past, present, even future) are the KEY missing piece to finding the lasting relief you are looking for!

Many of my clients, before reaching out to me, have already undergone various other treatments like medication, physiotherapy, ultrasound therapy, doing yoga classes, taking herbs, acupuncture etc. and yet they find the pain does not completely go away, or returns after a while in new strong ways!

So what have EMOTIONS got to do with PAIN?  

Stress and challenges are part of every day living.  On a daily basis we go through all kinds of feelings and emotions!  Whether it is interactions with members of the family, driving kids to school, getting to work, interacting with colleagues, discussions in meetings, not making it to our child's special school event, replying to an angry client or customer etc. We navigate through all sorts of emotional landscapes in our daily journey. And just like the daily physical dirt and daily sweat, we pick up a fair share of what I call ‘DAILY EMOTIONAL DIRT' too!

Interestingly we have been taught very early in our life of the importance of DAILY PHYSICAL HYGEINE –of daily washing our hands, taking a shower, brushing our teeth. But no one has ever taught us to wash away/ clear out our DAILY EMOTIONAL DIRT!

However, every painful upsetting experience (from toady, from our past, our childhood) leaves behind a painful residue that gets STORED within us, in our body, in our cells.  Over time, these painful feelings bottled up, overload our system, deplete our immunity and cause PAIN and DIS-EASE!

So how can we experience lasting relief from Pain?

There are 2 aspects to pain.

  1. The emotional pain we feel day to day  (or ‘Daily Emotional Dirt')
  2. The pain we have been unconsciously holding on to from our past, even since our childhood days (I call it Old Emotional Cobwebs)

1. Having a Daily Mental/Emotional Hygiene routine would be ideal!

Just like you consciously take time out to brush teeth, take a shower, you would consciously create time every day to TUNE IN and notice incidents that day that upset you that day, acknowledge how you feel, feel those feelings and then once you are ready to…let them go!

Some people skeptically ask, "why do you have to bring up the upsetting feelings! Isn't it best to leave them behind and focus on the positive?"  

Firstly ignoring those upsetting feelings is like going to bed with dirty clothes on, or like shoving dirt under the carpet and trying to show that all is well! And if you do ignore it, your body over time will let you know via some PAIN or DISEASE that you need to pay attention within!

As Louise Hays, author of You Can Heal Your Life, that has sold over 50million copies worldwide says " you can't clear the dirt you cant see! You need to first SEE IT, to CLEAR IT!"   

2. The other important piece is doing an EMOTIONAL SPRING CLEANING of your life!

This would mean taking time to tune in to past upsetting /emotional conflicts that you are still holding on to subconsciously! Just as you take time out to every now and then spring clean your home!

A common response to this is…'oh but it was so long ago, it doesn't even bother me anymore! I have let it go!' 

Well, if that were indeed true then you would not be in any physical or emotional pain today!  When I work with clients I often hear, "I cant believe I still feel so upset about this, I thought I had let it go a long time back!

So if you are open to having an honest look about why your pain wont heal, and truly committed to helping yourself and experience lasting relief, DO NOT IGNORE YOUR EMOTIONAL PAIN!  Acknowledge it, accept it, feel it, and let it go!

It is THE missing piece to your true healing!


From Considering HIP PAIN surgery to being PAIN FREE NATURALLY!

"I was in a lot of pain with my hips, and I descended into that slippery slope of thinking pain was my natural aging process, I began to think I would have to have surgery like many others I knew.
I can see how people will trend towards a certain medical procedure. I began meeting lots of people who had hip surgery or planning for hip surgery. I remember going to breakfast and meeting a couple, the wife said she was going to have surgery the next day. She must have seen my eyes grow so big. I was so worried this would be my future, too.

When Shalini offered her class, I have always respected her work, I decided that there was nothing to risk or lose. From the very first class, my hips improved dramatically. Not all immediately, but such a significant amount that I was left with the understanding that my pain could be managed, shifted or lessened. After a few more sessions, the pain in my hips was gone! Definitely not having any surgery. That alone is amazing.

I have become more aware of my emotions and  my body and its amazing capacity for healing. I am learning to take better care of my body with EFT, which is priceless. Thank you, Shalini"

Tonya A. Anderson

About Shalini

Shalini is an internationally renowned Emotional and Physical Pain Relief Expert. She is also an international best selling author of the book Pebbles In The Pond Wave Three, co-authored with Lisa Nichols and others.

After doctors prescribed bed rest indefinitely due to an illness and chronic pain, she went on a profound journey - discovered tools that she used by herself and healed herself completely. Since then, she has helped hundreds of pain sufferers, sometimes including doctors, go from feeling stuck to relieved, and from frustration and anger to peace and clarity. Her work has been featured on national and international magazines, newspapers, and even on television.

Shalini is currently focused on working long term with a small group who are feeling sick of being stuck, who are ready and committed to doing what it takes to bring the big shifts they want.
You can visit her website,, email, or complete an online survey at for a 45-minute free assessment session.


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